Yesterday was the biopsy surgery day. I love how if your surgery is scheduled for 7:00 or 2:00, "nothing to eat or drink after midnight"... OK, then add a little caffeine to that damn IV!!! I had such a withdrawal headache by the time I go to pre-op. Or just tell us nothing within 8 hours, or 10 hours, or whatever the magic number is so we can eat and drink at the last possible minute!!!!
The nurses were all great, but I'm still a bit baffled as to why one has to be there so early to wait so long... Of course the surgery before mine ran late, so the people who talked to me first were not the people who treated me because they switched my room. Only the surgeon was the same. a 2 pm slot turned into a 3:30 slot in a different OR. I did get a little concerned when the SECOND anesthesiologist said my blood sugar was 190! For starters is was 110 when the nurse checked it, and what patient's info was he getting? Was the other patient getting my info? Was he looking at the right info for ME??? After a few minutes we got it straightened out and all was well.
OH!, the plastic lined "gown" they have you wear for half of forever is the most comfortable thing EVER!!! I recommend them for everyone! Stylish, too!!
I remember the trip to and into the OR, sliding onto the table and putting my left arm, with IV and half-mile long tubing, onto the support. Nighty-night!! Next thing I knew I was in the recovery area in a great big fog. My throat was a dry as fresh cat litter and felt about the same texture. I nodded off in and out a few times before finally staying "awake" long enough to have some higher thought functions. I chatted with the nurse there and she got me some ice and water. I asked for coffee and after she was sure I could keep the ice and water down without any problems a fresh hot cup-o-joe it was!!! Even with the IV acetaminophen, I still had a caffeine headache and that sure did taste good!! we chatted for a while, the fog cleared and it was time to go to the Same Day Surgery area, back where I started. Had a pretty good buzz when I stood up to get into the wheelchair, wheeeee!
Another cup in the SDS area(and Oreo's) and they called Pop to come up. After clearing my head some more in their comfy-chair and the discharge instructions it was time to go. They sent Pop to get the car and bring it around to the front while I got dressed. I think they tie the gown the way they do as a challenge to see if you are ready to leave or not! The knots were in the most out of the way places and I'm not really sure they were "knots"! But I passed, got out of the gown and dressed. Another wheelchair ride to the doors and up to the car. Good thing, too, because it would have looked like the nurse was kicking a drunk out!!
As for the folks doing the roadwork on 55... a few signs prior to the exit you shut down, like maybe the previous exit? You know, a little warning?? NOPE, just 1,582.3 cones and 349 gigawatts of work lights shining into oncoming traffic at the exit we would have normally taken. I should have asked for a water battle for the trip home, dry scratchy throat.. The spicy spaghetti and meatballs were fun! I really didn't care, they were good on my now 20+ hour empty stomach.
Had a restless night's sleep, up every few hours, sometime just to look at the clock, sometimes to get rid of the liquids I used to sooth my throat. Gave up on sleep around 7. Throat is sore from the surgery and the lovely post nasal drip (my favoritist thing). No pain unless I move my arm and stretch the area, and even then it's not bad. The coffee headache yesterday was lot worse.
Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers, and to the folks at Cooper Hospital. I'll update y'all when I know more!
The nurses were all great, but I'm still a bit baffled as to why one has to be there so early to wait so long... Of course the surgery before mine ran late, so the people who talked to me first were not the people who treated me because they switched my room. Only the surgeon was the same. a 2 pm slot turned into a 3:30 slot in a different OR. I did get a little concerned when the SECOND anesthesiologist said my blood sugar was 190! For starters is was 110 when the nurse checked it, and what patient's info was he getting? Was the other patient getting my info? Was he looking at the right info for ME??? After a few minutes we got it straightened out and all was well.
OH!, the plastic lined "gown" they have you wear for half of forever is the most comfortable thing EVER!!! I recommend them for everyone! Stylish, too!!
I remember the trip to and into the OR, sliding onto the table and putting my left arm, with IV and half-mile long tubing, onto the support. Nighty-night!! Next thing I knew I was in the recovery area in a great big fog. My throat was a dry as fresh cat litter and felt about the same texture. I nodded off in and out a few times before finally staying "awake" long enough to have some higher thought functions. I chatted with the nurse there and she got me some ice and water. I asked for coffee and after she was sure I could keep the ice and water down without any problems a fresh hot cup-o-joe it was!!! Even with the IV acetaminophen, I still had a caffeine headache and that sure did taste good!! we chatted for a while, the fog cleared and it was time to go to the Same Day Surgery area, back where I started. Had a pretty good buzz when I stood up to get into the wheelchair, wheeeee!
Another cup in the SDS area(and Oreo's) and they called Pop to come up. After clearing my head some more in their comfy-chair and the discharge instructions it was time to go. They sent Pop to get the car and bring it around to the front while I got dressed. I think they tie the gown the way they do as a challenge to see if you are ready to leave or not! The knots were in the most out of the way places and I'm not really sure they were "knots"! But I passed, got out of the gown and dressed. Another wheelchair ride to the doors and up to the car. Good thing, too, because it would have looked like the nurse was kicking a drunk out!!
As for the folks doing the roadwork on 55... a few signs prior to the exit you shut down, like maybe the previous exit? You know, a little warning?? NOPE, just 1,582.3 cones and 349 gigawatts of work lights shining into oncoming traffic at the exit we would have normally taken. I should have asked for a water battle for the trip home, dry scratchy throat.. The spicy spaghetti and meatballs were fun! I really didn't care, they were good on my now 20+ hour empty stomach.
Had a restless night's sleep, up every few hours, sometime just to look at the clock, sometimes to get rid of the liquids I used to sooth my throat. Gave up on sleep around 7. Throat is sore from the surgery and the lovely post nasal drip (my favoritist thing). No pain unless I move my arm and stretch the area, and even then it's not bad. The coffee headache yesterday was lot worse.
Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers, and to the folks at Cooper Hospital. I'll update y'all when I know more!