So it's been quite a while since I did an update, mostly because there wasn't really much to post.
I went back to work August 8th on light duty, can only do admin stuff. No high heat, no respirator, no strenuous work.
Had my check-up in October but we held off on the maintenance Rituxan due a sinus infoection. THAT is a whole different story of which I am still dealing - 3rd round of meds... UGH Finally got the maintenance meds in November, no issues.
Well... Went again yesterday (12/16/16) for another check-up, and CLEARED FOR FULL DUTY!!! Still need to be cleared by Medical at work and the Occ Health folks for Vineland Volunteer department, but what it really means is that I am healthy!!! I can stop the prophylactic meds finally and just get down to the Metformin for my sugar and the meds for the sinus crap.
Thursday I saw the Endocrinologist and she was happy with my numbers, too!
So it's pretty much back to normal, or whatever that is for me!
I do want to thank everyone for their support, thoughts, prayers, but especially Lisa and my kids and my parents who were with me the whole time, as well as my family; the guys at work for their generous support, Vineland Fire Comapny #1 for digging us out after the big snow and everyone who came to visit, especially Pastor Steve, Bret and Bret and a very special Thanks to Joey O for the OH-SO-WELCOMED Tony Luke's breakfast and awesome day out on the boat!!
I also want to give a special thanks to Christina, one of Dr. Ferber's clinical nurses. She went above and beyond what I expected helping me, even replying to emails from her phone when she was off! All of the staff at MD Anderson and Cooper were great. And I couldn't aske for a better doctor than Dr. Ferber!
I love you all!!
Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Blessed New Year!
I went back to work August 8th on light duty, can only do admin stuff. No high heat, no respirator, no strenuous work.
Had my check-up in October but we held off on the maintenance Rituxan due a sinus infoection. THAT is a whole different story of which I am still dealing - 3rd round of meds... UGH Finally got the maintenance meds in November, no issues.
Well... Went again yesterday (12/16/16) for another check-up, and CLEARED FOR FULL DUTY!!! Still need to be cleared by Medical at work and the Occ Health folks for Vineland Volunteer department, but what it really means is that I am healthy!!! I can stop the prophylactic meds finally and just get down to the Metformin for my sugar and the meds for the sinus crap.
Thursday I saw the Endocrinologist and she was happy with my numbers, too!
So it's pretty much back to normal, or whatever that is for me!
I do want to thank everyone for their support, thoughts, prayers, but especially Lisa and my kids and my parents who were with me the whole time, as well as my family; the guys at work for their generous support, Vineland Fire Comapny #1 for digging us out after the big snow and everyone who came to visit, especially Pastor Steve, Bret and Bret and a very special Thanks to Joey O for the OH-SO-WELCOMED Tony Luke's breakfast and awesome day out on the boat!!
I also want to give a special thanks to Christina, one of Dr. Ferber's clinical nurses. She went above and beyond what I expected helping me, even replying to emails from her phone when she was off! All of the staff at MD Anderson and Cooper were great. And I couldn't aske for a better doctor than Dr. Ferber!
I love you all!!
Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Blessed New Year!